Monday, August 11, 2008

I wish this didn't sound like bragging...

So many of you know how unhappy I was with my weight. Gotta love a guy who doesn't mention how fat you get when he knows you have no control, but I hated buying the next size up!

Anyway, since I was about 13, even at my thinnest I was a size 10: Jewish hips and thighs all the way...and truly built like a Frankel! But yesterday mom and I went shopping... and all of the pants that fit are a SIZE 8. Seriously...wanted to wear the tag on the outside; called my sis and giggled.

Sadly, a lot of my friends are struggling right now, and I got ya. I feel a little bad blogging this, but this is MY life right now, and I recognize YOUR struggles, too. I love you all and want to support you the way you have me!

Here's to the size we ARE, the size we WANT to be, and the true size we CAN be!

1 comment:

Lisa Spiegel said...

Well all that walking better be good for something besides raising money!! WTG!!! You look MAHVELOUS!!