Wednesday, July 29, 2009

25 Years Ago...

25 years ago yesterday, I was watching the Opening Ceremonies of the 1984 Olympics...happening here in Los Angeles. I can remember where I was; I can remember whom I was with, and I can remember the pizza guy coming in to watch part of the event with us, I remember Rafer Johnson running the final torch and the chills on my arms right now take me right back there. I can remember going to a party at Sam's house that night...I can remember so much about that night, and about the fun of the city during the entire scope of the events. I worked downtown and often went to the Olympic Village for lunch. I saw a lot of basketball with my cousin Marc, and met the son of my uncle's bff from Jersey.

It seems like ancient history, but this article reminded me and made me remember, and it made me sad. The son, Jon, became a part of my life for a while...he lived in Jersey and had addictions that I couldn't battle. When he was in LA, we stayed at the BH Hotel (yes, the pink one). I visited him several times, and talk about a great time: none better then with Jon. But when I had to crash and burn, he continued to roll. It took me a while to realize the scope of his addictions, but I couldn't save him. So I stopped seeing him and sadly reigned in my life and moved on...and eventually got married. I often thought of Jon, and wondered how he cousins didn't really know. I tried to reach him once, about 6 months before he died, but had no success. Jon got clean and became a speaker on the subject of addictions. And last year he died: at the pink hotel, alone at 50.

This is such a personal thing...he was a special man. He was a lost man. He was a man in search of his own identity. And I wish I had reached out more when he crossed my mind, because some of you know that part of me.

Every time the anniversary of this event is noted, I will always remember Jon and his laugh and his smile and his sarcasm...

Monday, July 20, 2009


I am a bigger bitch (like the dog in the photo). I hate being a girl! About a week before I bleed like a stuck pig (sorry for the graphic), I get a little f'ing needy. This was pointed out to me by David, which pissed me off more because he is the king of! So if I'm a grouch this week, ignore me, blow me off or walk away: if you're brave, stay around! I don't guarantee that I get any nicer, but I do get better.

I'm sitting here drinking a beer and thinking it's arts &crafts time and that I'm kinda hungry...but not committed to anything, and a little lonely (I got text spoiled)! So, it's 7:30pm and I might just go to bed...not sleep, just bed! Today I'm a little tired of the world.

Friday, July 17, 2009


Most of you know I'm running two blogs right now: this one and my fundraising blog. I cross back and forth between the two. If you want my full picture, check out the other site.

Today was a great one, really...started with a call from the bank fraud department, followed by a day of the usual except for one phone call: "I just came from the doctor. He said he was sorry to tell me this but"...and another friend joined our hideous club. CANCER SUCKS! I can not reiterate this often enough or loud enough.

When HRC said, "It takes a village to raise a child", I wonder if she realized how far that phrase could go. I say, "It will take every village to eradicate cancer", and I keep fighting it. I fight it for me, and for my beloved Tante and for my darling friend G and for everyone who has been diagnosed, or ever may be diagnosed with any form of cancer.

On a lighter note, I got to see my friend Colleen last night and tonight, for the first time in an embarrassing numbe of months. I'm so glad your summer is peaceful and that you can relax and walk/run with me! Happy birthday to Sandy on Monday!xo

Happy Birthday to sweet Aimee on Monday also...she's going to DISNEYLAND!

And as a reminder to the mouska-chicks: 3 weeks until August sure you have the day off, cause it's my birthday and WE'RE GOING TO DISNEYLAND!! WOO HOO!!!

Hey Bucket, Bucket, Bucket: it's ice cream sundae time!!!

Wanna laugh: I met a That's all I gotta say. Oh, that

What else: I-man is being relatively well behaved, as are his friends. Buster won't stop barking at Flea...does anyone way a sweet bunny rabbit who is about 5 months old and you must love him and cuddle him and let him run every day. If you want him, he needs a better home then Buster being an ass to him. Marley is Marley: it's a good thing he's cute and I love him, because when he ate my new cell phone recently, I wanted to slam him through a wall! Bruiser is still my little angel: he hides, often in the living room where the other two boys can't go. We have no idea how old Bruiser is...we got him used 6 years ago and he was probably 4-5 then.

Life is peaceful. No Onc appt for another month...these are small blessings.

Tomorrow is the Orange County Mud Run..can't wait!

Love and hugs,