It's 6:30 Sunday night...or is it 7:30? It confuses me both directions!
My Saturday was spent at Ginger's Crop. She ALWAYS gives one of the very best crops I've ever attended. 9am-10pm...lots of space and lots of prizes...vendors...close to restaurants, and I always get to spend the day with a friend or two. Yesterday I got to see several friends, as well as 2 vsf's, Colleen and Lori. I knew they would get along: they are 2 of the kindest, most gentle women I know...with the sharp edges I adore. We had a wonderful time. Dinner at Soup Plantation, a stop at Michael's, and much fun! Thanks girls for making my day and for being part of my zen; thanks Ginger and Sandy for everything you do for us!
Today I ran up the the Porter Ranch Joann's. I'm incredibly thankful all of the Joann's stores near me suck. Anyway, got the embellishment case I've been eyeballing (recommended by Dawn who's weekend is just 12 days away), to get rid of my current confuguration (see above). I also went briefly to hang out with my friend Janice at a CM Crop, and remet a very sweet similar-to-me CM Consultant, Tami. Janice has been my CM Consultant for about 13 years, and I do love her to pieces.
On the way back from Porter Ranch there was a man by the freeway turn, asking for money. I usually don't, but today I did. Not sure why I did, but I felt compelled. It reminded me that when Ian was little he wanted to give money to every homeless person. I used to tell him that if we gave to every person who askes, we'd be on the street with them. It also reminded me of when Ian was in 5th grade and had to sell candy bars. We called everyone in LA and asked for $20 checks for Ian's school. My sis, my sweet cousin Feo and I took the (no one needs that much candy) 200 candy bars to the Million-aires Club...the homeless shelter in downtown Seattle. As we were carrying them in one of the people outside mentioned that if the candy went inside, that they would never get we stood outside and heard people's stories and handed out candy for a while. It was a little scary at first, but by the time we left, we felt completely blessed by the experience. I repeated it the following year when our friend's son had to sell the same candy bars, and we could afford a good donation...I've never felt more alive in my life: it felt like selfish charity, since I believe I got more from it then anyone! Today was a reminder to me to do something charitable whenever possible.
To Lori and to Janice... I wish you both strength,and I wish your loved ones who are suffering the strength it takes to get them where they want to be.
Anyway, one Trader Joe's stop, $200, and here we are.
No concerts this week, so I look forward to lots of sleep before we celebrate the wild woman's b'day next weekend. The lemons are looking almost ready for martinis...unless you won't mix Irish Whiskey and Vodka...perhaps one Friday, one Saturday...and Sunday?
Hoping you all had a special weekend, too! xo