Saturday, May 10, 2008

Mom's Day, Good Stuff and Sucky Things...

First, let me wish all my girlies a Happy Mother's Day...whether you have 2 legged children or 4 legged children; whether you are or aren't a "mom", but are a supportive friend or daughter, enjoy this day!

I am not the fan of the Mother's Day thing... this is my 18th one as a mum and I can still remember the ONE Mother's Day that truly made me happy! It was spent on the veranda at our Issaquah house sitting in the sun (irony?), reading the Sunday paper and chatting with the people I love. It's amazing how much life has changed since that Mother's Day, and how much richer my life is now. I continue to remember, almost daily, how that move to Washington reshaped who I am; how it brought me to so many amazing friends and experiences, and how it changed my perception of "home".

To my Mommy: You are beautiful. You are graceful and elegant and well-mannered and so much fun to be around. And you are about as cute as they come! You sure have gotten younger as I've gotten older. I love you.

Happy Birthday today to my butthead sister, Ba. When mom and dad rescued you from the puppy farm they picked well! I love you huge.

Happy Birthday Sunday to my darling friend Bucket, who is also a mama. I hope your day is filled with love and fun and that everyone spoils you like crazy! I can't wait to hear all about it... on our walks this week!!!

I talked to my cousin Rachel (who had the same back surgery as me) today. She sounds great and was itching to go home...hope it happened, kiddo! I'll be by to see you soon, and give you a few tips for survival! Hope ya took suggestion #1 and stopped at Fantastic Sam's/SuperCuts and got the skunky hair washed!

Oh, and mazel tov to cousin Emily, who opened a new store today on Abbot Kinney:

Okay, enough with the cancer shit! April, tell them to be sure to get it all on more alien invasions! And Kari, you know I'm praying for your mum. And you all know my attitude, but of course I'm noticing "things" so Monday will include a call to the dermatologist to do the full once-over. And to former (were you ever really truly a friend) acquaintance Jayme...I hope the biopsy shows nothing bad.

And Ba, I hope Margarita snaps out of it and that she is okay...late night ER vet visits suck and are always scary (and expensive)!

Oh, not to forget my Uncle Benji who had a "thing" this week...CUT THAT OUT!

Today was awesome! Nails in Inglewood...visit with the mommy and the daddy...stop to order the food for tomorrow...walk 4.8 miles...errands...visit Scrapbook Safari (the mecca of local scrapbook stores)...hang with Mel/Duh/Missy and walk another 5 miles an eat Persian food...and here I am.

I have a few projects that MUST be completed for manana, so off I go.

Love and hugs to all, and thank you for supporting me.

1 comment:

Lisa Spiegel said...

I love you and your attitude...and I'm hoping that the "procedure" goes well on thursday..maybe I get to see you Saturday?? Safari???